Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Hahaha, what a lame blog: one sometimes-commenting reader with who I now connect elsewhere, and my last post being over a month old. Wowwww. *winces* I'm really sorry about that. I post most of my stuff at now, I guess mostly because I'm encouraged in that other people actually READ it. But I guess this makes this more of a private journal I write in when I don't want other people to know but I want to get things out there. I'll try to write more later, maybe...



Cassandra said...

Now I feel like a creeper for reading your private journal. :P

Donne said...

Ha, you're the only one (besides me, obviously) who validates its existence. ;)

Anonymous said...

*g* Private eh? HA!

BTW - the video with Australia and Dr Horrible SO CUTE! X)

Donne said...

:o Hello!

Aw, thank you! xD