Emailed both the Obama and McCain websites. Unfortunately, I accidentally gave them the wrong email address.
Anyhoo, here's most of what I wrote (the Obama version) in a flurry of self-importance:
"...I question the campaign. Most politics like your own, actually. I understand (to an extent) power lust, and have a few questions. Why do you (or "does Obama", depending on who is reading this) want to be president? Is it for glory? Power? Fame? Monetary gain? Surely presidency does not assure these, as George W. Bush has now only, what is the number, a 17% approval rating? Circumstance can make you or break you, as evidenced by his time in office, and the stakes are high. Are you driven by an honest wish to better America, despite the political stereotype of fraud and manipulation? Could you not do more by heading a charity or movement?
"If you simply wish to take over the country, then, does brainwashing still work as well as it has in the past? I know that many will accept others' opinions as their own, if persuaded correctly. Hitler did it; why couldn't you? Especially with the added tools of advertising and television broadcasts!
"Or perhaps you have just a desire for personal gain, as is human nature. Perfectly understandable. Many supervillains have this as their only incentive.
"Make no mistake; I am not an undercover Republican seeking to undermine your goals through exaggeration or insults, if you consider the above offensive. I did not mean it so. I intend to send the same note to your adversary, if possible. For, in politics, where is there truth? Where is there unadulterated honesty and goodwill with not even a touch of greed or selfishness? I realize that for this email to reach Barack Obama himself, it must go through miles of red tape and many, many people in Senator Obama's campaign. It will, in all likelihood, never be read by him at all.
"It is just as well. How many insults, how many mindless pledges of allegiance will come through this website in the future? How many have, already? Assuredly, hundreds of thousands, even millions. Each as meaningless and not thought out as the next, products of advertising, re-education, and deceit. I say this because of the many promises made in any campaign, not as a personal attack. For we Americans rarely think things out, believing what we are told without question, or questioning the things that are purely truth. But is this a characteristic of Americans alone? Nay, of human nature.
"So, to whoever shall read this, whether it be a minimum-wage (or even volunteering) secretary, or the potential next president of the United States of America himself, my message is this: think. Why are you doing what you are doing? If you honestly believe in it, and know why you believe it, by all means, continue. But if you are a following sheep, be aware that you may in actuality be a lemming. If so, continue as well, if you wish. Make it easier for those who think for you.
"Resistance may be futile. Think at your own risk."
Eloquently spoken, and well-thought out. :D
Many thanks. :) I was particularly self-righteous that day.
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