Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Short post--

--Because I was supposed to be going to bed 20 minutes ago. And I need it.

Two guy updates: "Freddy" stopped to tease me in the hall. Not meanly, just messing around and being a guy.

Sweet guy talked to me for a minute (that's all we had) in the hallway. Asked each other's grade (that is, class level, like 9th or 10th or whatever) and found out we were the same, just we have no classes together. Smiled and said I hoped to see him soon.

Good day today, mostly, because it started well. Going full-swing after missing a week so I'm playing catch-up, plus I'll be at school from 7:40 AM-8:15 PM tomorrow, working the whole time, so :P.

Sorry about my mood swings lately, just my time of the month. Maybe I shouldn't have done the Chick rant. Just felt sarcastic and I let off some steam in the comic's direction. Maybe I should delete it....

Hoping to hide a valentine in the sweet guy's locker on Friday. Nothing over-the-top, just a hi-happy-Valentine's-Day thing. :)

Had play practice from 6:30-8:30 tonight and 4 hours tomorrow, which is why I'll be staying late and probably why I'm so tired. Today I only had one line, too. :P

But the weather's so much nicer! It made me remember life's worth living! :D Ice is melting, going outside without a coat, and wonderful smells. Probably won't last long but I'll enjoy it while it lasts!

Started a forum for Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog over at fanfiction dot net. Once I posted it to LJ several people started coming. Nice to talk with a lot of fans!

Might have more to say but I'm gonna go to bed now. Flip side. *does cool waving motion before she drops, unconscious* G'night!

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